The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I am blessed to be raising my 7 year old adopted daughter Laila who is my sunshine--long story there. I retired 8 years ago from state govt. and am enjoying being single the past 5 years. My gorgeous best friend Dianne gave me the title for my first book of 55 poems published in late 2008 by Xlibris (Random House) - "Love is Lust First". The book is subtitled "An Autobiography of Passion". Please check out my sample poem at loveislustfirst web site or just type in my name for links. Working on a second book, have 13 poems done in 6 months. I write love poems/erotic poetry. My older daughter Julianna, whom I adopted in Brasil, is almost 25. My wife of 31 years died 5 years ago. I play some chess and guitar, sing a bit, and enjoy handicapping horses at the track and going to casinos and to the beach in Atlantic City. I also enjoy teasing beautiful women - there are millions of good-humored women out there, I discovered after I became single! Okay, and some not so good-humored at FIRST, but I can usually help cure that temporary glitch. Praise women for whatever level of sanity I may still arguably retain. I am just a lucky guy on God's green earth. Sandy Merkin was the one Penn State woman from my college days I will never forget. The stunning Ms. Ivanov teaching Russian Folklore to me was my most memorable professor.